Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
with Sat Nadar Kaur & Hari Har Ji Kaur
To begin November 2025
in Midhurst, West Sussex.
Do you want to create a Magical life through healing yourself & using the tools of Kundalini Yoga?

Are you ready for a Transformational experience?
Do you want to become a Kundalini Yoga teacher?
Do you want to learn how to self
regulate? Self heal?
Do you want to learn how to live a conscious lifestyle?

This 200 hour, KRI certified Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Training taken over 8 separate weekends over the course of 10 Months is brought to you by The Sahej Acadamy, offering a training with a fresh and modern approach, maintaining the true teachings and bringing them to life in our current times.
The Sahej Acadamy is well known for creating a very high calibre of teachers.
We will go into the subtleties of Kundalini Yoga, it is a misconception that Kundalini is always a pushing, forcing, doing energy, the beauty of Kundalini is what occurs in the subtle spaces. Times have changed rapidly over the last few years and we must respond to that, people need to soften, to rest & to heal.
Perhaps we no longer need to rise at 4am for Sadhana, perhaps we can heal things very quickly in a 9 minute meditation.
The focus will very much be on the nervous system and recovering that, on the glandular system and strengthening that.
This training will be an experience of deep, personal healing, where we will have the space, removed from daily life, to really reflect and embark on a journey of self discovery.
All humans know that there is so much more to life than we generally experience.
People want freedom of expression, to be recognised, loved, appreciated – but what we experience is frustration, boredom, isolation and stress.
Life can become an existence, a series of obstacles and negotiations and our joy of BEING is reserved for those precious moments when we can somehow escape and pretend that it's not happening.
If we could be happy and content, no matter what our circumstances are perceived to be, our world would be so different.
By the end of this course you will be fully certified to share these teachings with the world and hold space for others should you wish, so many of us are waking up right now and need leaders to hold space for that. So many of us can feel alone in that journey, the need for community and connection is bigger than ever before.
Meet The Teachers
Sat Nadar Kaur
Sat Nadar is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer leading the Sahej School.
She trains teachers in the UK for Level 1 & 2 Courses.
She trained with Hari Har Ji in 2009, and then went on to develop herself through the Level 2 programme. She spent 6 years living in yoga communities, integrating the teachings and learning about the yogic lifestyle.
She is a person centred counsellor, numerologist, reiki healer, reflexologist and an extremely compassionate, kind & heartfelt person with great empathy.
She also loves cooking and teaching circle dancing.
Her wonderful website is

Hari Har Ji Kaur
Hari Har Ji is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher registered with KYTA UK and IKYTA, the national and international Kundalini Yoga Teachers Associations. She is an international Mentoring Lead Teacher Trainer with the Aquarian Training Academy (ATA) with more than 25 years’ experience. She has trained teachers in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russia and China over many years and teaches her own intensive workshops in the UK and Europe. Her clarity and empathy gives her a depth of understanding and quality of teaching which touches many hearts. Together with associates she has founded The Sahej Academy to open a space where people can find answers, peace and joy in a world which can often seem stressful and senseless.
Beginning November 2025
Each weekend will begin with a 'Check in circle' on the Friday evening at 7:30pm. This will be online and simply a chance for the group to share a little and ask any questions.
Then we continue for full days on Saturday & Sunday
2 modules will take place online, 6 will take place in person
Friday 7:30pm 'Check in Circle' ONLINE
Saturday 9:30am - 8pm
Sunday 6am - 4:30pm
31st October - 2nd November | Kundalini Yoga – Yoga for The Aquarian Age Times
The first module gives you an overview of the transformational quality of Kundalini Yoga, aligns it with other forms of yoga and why keeping a process of personal practice (Sadhana) beyond the course is essential. You will also learn about our place in global evolution, the Aquarian Age and its implications for the world.
28th - 30th November | Communication Inner and Outer
This module will give you a solid experience and understanding of breath, mind and consciousness. It will include meditation, mantra, mudra, breath work, the technology of sound and its healing impact on the human system.
Includes a one day meditation experience.
9th - 11th January | The Body as a Temple
Posture or Asana, how and why they work, how to work with them correctly and safely. The human body and its physical functions, Bhandas, the movement of Kundalini, WHY we do a Kriya and how it works.
6th - 8th February | Superhealth, Consciousness in Action
How we can be self-creating in all levels of our lives. The concept of Superhealth. Our relationship to Karma, the wheel of life, Dharma and our destiny. The cosmic laws of manifestation and seva.
6th - 8th March | ONLINE | Infinite Potential
We are more than we think! We are governed by the unseen! Chakras, The Ten Body System, the extent of our infinity, the journey of the soul, an introduction to numerology and the inspiration of archetypes. The self-sensory system and consciousness in the Aquarian Age – knowing the known!
8th - 10th May | Information, Presentation and Situation
By now you will be so inspired that you will want to share your blessing! This weekend you will learn how, where and when to transmit information. How to teach and to serve. How to be responsible and professional and how to answer all those questions.
5th - 7th June | ONLINE | Being a Teacher. The Spiritual path from Mystery to Mastery
The five steps to Mastery and the four illusions along the way. The student teacher relationship and the need for guidance on our chosen path.
3rd - 5th July | Life and Death, Relationships and Reality
The cycle of birth, life and death. The quality of Aquarian relationships, the essence of the male and female energies and how they can compliment not control each other. Being part of a community and the potential trap of money, power and sex! Attitudes to prosperity and seva and having the resources to fulfil your destiny. Life and Death, Relationships and Reality. Yoga in every day life.
The course will be held in Midhurst, West Sussex at the Cowrday estate Wellbeing centre..
Accommodation can be booked locally if needed
Fill in the form here with a brief written statement of your motivation for wanting to join the course, you will then be given details to send through your deposit or full payment

Vegetarian meals, snacks & teas
Comprehensive course manual
full Teacher Training Certification
* Excludes accommodation *
No other hidden costs, all manuals/exam are included.
To secure your place you can make full payment
a non refundable deposit of £600
Followed by 8 payments of £275 each weekend
These payments are to be paid 1 Month prior to the start of each weekend
Each fee is due even if you cannot attend, the module can then be taken at a later date

Throughout the course you will be given assignments of kriyas and meditations to practise between teaching weekends.
Attendance throughout the whole course is a prerequisite for qualification. Any missed modules can be taken at another date or venue throughout the year or the following year.
To complete the course you will be required to:
Pass a written examination
Teach a class to the required standard
Have attended at least 20 Kundalini Yoga classes in addition to the course
Have completed at least 40 continuous days of the given meditations and yoga sets
Have attended at least 5 morning sadhanas
Have attended one day of intensive meditation or White Tantric Yoga
Have accepted the Code of Professional Standards for Kundalini Yoga Teachers
Have fulfilled your financial commitment
The course is an ashram style experience, the diet provided will be vegetarian and the group will be self-catering, we will be sharing our total experience as a community.
On qualification, you will be registered as a KRI Certified Level 1 Instructor, allowing you to teach students. You will also be eligible to join KYTA, the national Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association as a full member and to join its group insurance scheme.

My personal experience
I'm Charlene, Founder of House of Kundalini,
I found my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Hari Har Ji back in 2015 to be absolutely life changing..
I booked onto the training after having only ever attended 6 or 7 classes before, I actually can't even remember why I booked onto the Training, I knew very little about it and have almost lost any memory of actually booking or knowing any reason for wanting to join.. other than having had a profound experience with Kundalini yoga in those handful of classes, I certainly had no plans to become a Yoga teacher. I had a 4 month old baby at the time but the universe clearly had a plan for me so on I booked and away I went..
I had absolutely no idea what to expect, I began morning Sadhana at 5am on the first day and looked around the room wondering how on earth I had got there! Everything was very unfamiliar!
What I hadn't expected though, were the amount of fascinating topics we would cover (perhaps I just thought we would be taught some postures & off we'd be sent to teach?)
I very quickly realised that all of the subjects in my life that I had always been fascinating by, things my father had casually taught me as a child, things I'd read about that I knew in my Soul to be true, were being discussed in this room with these wonderfully wise Teachers and a beautiful group of students.
We went into detail on Numerology, Yogic philosophy, of course, Relationships, Nutrition, Parenting, Social Culture, Energy Systems, Intuition, Purpose, Soul contracts, The Angelic Realm, Moon cycles, Astrology and many other fascinating subjects. I was in awe and enjoying every single second! I was having such profound experiences in the Yoga classes also, it was pure, personal healing. So much time and space to myself to process and address many of the issues that had happened in my life upto that point..
The group bond that grew throughout that year was very special, I have since been on holiday with many of the group and am still close with some who I would consider dear friends. You go through so much together, supporting each other and really listening, it was something so rare to experience.
I began to understand the emotional causes of the physical pain in my body, after the 4th weekend and a long conversation led by the incredibly wise & intuitive lead trainer Hari Har Ji, the chronic pain I had in my collar bone for 4 years literally disappeared. I have never had it again since that conversation, ever. This had crippled me for 4 years, I had left 2 physical jobs because of how intense the pain was. After 1 conversation with her, I woke the next day completely healed.
During that year I totally transformed, I blossomed. I now had a daily practice which was building my intuition, self awareness, energy levels & inner balance. The mantras, breathwork and meditation I was experiencing and learning was transforming my daily experience of life, I could feel the joy in everything.
The world began opening up for me, things that needed to fall away, naturally did and I became wide open for all the things that would lead me to my right path. I was expanding and truly coming into my own. My self confidence was building and I felt truly strong and secure for the first time in my life.
This really helped with self acceptance, my early journey of parenting, understanding myself and my family patterns, realising my purpose and allowing me a more harmonious life in general.
That's not to say that some parts weren't challenging, the spiritual journey can be difficult at times as your old life needs to crumble to make room for the wonderful new things to enter, parts of this were very testing, but the tests were there in order for me to grow and they were offering me the opportunity to step into my new found POWER.
This training was transformational, I look to who I was prior to this and I was a different person. Within 6 months I had begun teaching friends and neighbours, I was so keen to share all of this incredible knowledge I was learning.
I opened House of Kundalini, my home Yoga studio towards the end of my training. I held an opening party event with healing treatments on offer, a day of workshops & live music. We collected ticket money and donations that day and when counting up at the end of the day we had taken £222.22.
Honestly, that's how much it came to. 222 had been 'my' number for years, since I can remember I have been seeing that number everywhere. I saw this as a big sign from the Universe and the Angels that they were celebrating for me that day. 222 is the number of the Master Teacher (I now Know).
I was led to this incredible course with this wonderful group of Souls and I could not be more grateful for the life I am now living because of it.
As you can imagine I am beyond excited to now be hosting this wonderful training here at House of Kundalini. It feels so right, the timing feels so right and I know in every cell of my body that this is EXACTLY what we need right now. An anchor, inner balance and the opportunity to reconnect in a time of utter chaos. The only way out, is IN.
If you are feeling the calling to join, and it is very much a Soul calling, then I highly recommend it for anyone. Whether you want to teach or not, whether you are a beginner or not, simply for the personal experience and healing I cannot recommend it enough.
Be courageous, follow what your heart is telling you & trust yourself.
You will not regret it.